Individual Sponsorship (Owen Sound Girls Hockey)

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PrintIndividual Sponsorship

Individual players are able to receive sponsorship in order to offset registration and team fees. The individual player is responsible for actively promoting their sponsor should the sponsor be looking for this type of recognition.

• Funds
• Sponsors can pledge any amount they wish.
• An individual player’s sponsorship can not exceed their total registration and team fees.
• If the player’s sponsorship dollars exceed their total registration and team fees options exist. The player will work
           with the sponsor to determine the chosen option.
• Excess funds will be held in reserve for the player’s next season
• Funds will be allocated to the association
• Player will be advised that they have maxed out their individual sponsorship and they are not to take on any further
           sponsors. If any excess has been received this will be returned to the sponsor who donated the exceeded amount.

• Payments
• must be made via etransfer to [email protected]
• In the notes of the transfer specify the player’s full name and “individual sponsorship”.

• Receipts
• Should a sponsor require a receipt one is available from OSGH treasurer. The player receiving the sponsorship is
           responsible for contacting [email protected] to arrange for the receipt.
• This is a advertising/sponsorship receipt not a tax receipt. OSGH is not a registered charity.