Registration Fee Recap, News (Owen Sound Girls Hockey)

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Sep 04, 2024 | Lindsay Harris | 64 views
Registration Fee Recap
The Executive wanted to share a Registration Fee Recap for the 2024-2025 Season.

Registration fees include ice rental costs (which recently increased by 11%), insurance, OWHA/WOAA fees, sock, jerseys, refs, team photos, etc.

Mandatory Fundraising Fee
This year the executive voted to include a fee of $100 for raffle tickets to support the growth of the organization. When families sell these tickets that $100 is returned to them.

Not-for-Profit Association 
OSGH is a not-for-profit association managed by a volunteer executive team representing 5% of player's families. The exec. team represent various ages, divisions and tries to represent the association at large in its decision making. 

Team Sponsorship
We are very grateful for our business team sponsorships that were increased this year so each team was supported by a $1500 discount. 

Subsidized Registration
We, as an association, are striving to improve fundraising efforts to be able to one day subsidize girls hockey to the same discounted rate that other organizations can manage.

If you would like to support the association's fundraising actives through our raffle ticket sales, Norther Lights tournament or 30th Anniversary Dance please reach out to Fundraising 
ATATS Designs
318588 Grey Road 1, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N6 519-371-5551